Daycare is not just about playtime.
By adding structured training sessions to your dog's day, they will be mentally stimulated and discover that learning is fun. Whether you have a new puppy or you and your dog are seasoned veterans, we have training options for everyone!
Manners & Obedience
Ages 6 months and up
Consistency and on-going training are the keys to a well-behaved dog. Provide your dog with mental stimulation and structure by adding training sessions to daycare. Our trainers will help your dog brush up on basic obedience, and introduce them to new challenges.
Private Sessions
All ages
Want to work one-on-one with a trainer? Our trainers will work with you to address any challenges you are encountering with your dog, and help you achieve new goals.
Puppy Preschool
Ages 12 weeks - 6 months
Puppy preschool is our most popular training package! Puppies come to enjoy daycare twice a week to play with other puppies, learn social skills, and get private training with one of our amazing trainers in between all the fun.